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Publié : jeu. 27 avr. 2017, 3:40 pm
par starfield
une adresse intéressante 

j'ai pris chez eux 2 gps glonass et  1 rtl sdr comm, attention pour le rtl l’antenne est très fragile mais ok pour monter un adaptateur

 les gps USB GPS/GLONASS receiver   sont très bien mais en rupture en ce moment il y en a d'autres qui ont l'air très bien aussi
ai aussi pris 6 capteurs pression en chine 1 e pièce toujours très bien aussi mais me rappelle plus ou Embarassed

ils font aussi un kit complet…



Publié : jeu. 27 avr. 2017, 4:16 pm
par starfield
j'ai monté un Raspberry sur un gros Amel c'est vraiment sympa comme engin  j’ai fait un petit programme en python qui montre la position des
satellites gps dans le ciel et permet de mettre le pi a l'heure car il n'a pas de conservation de la date une foi éteint et l'heure est utile pour un autre programme que j’ai fait pour établir une courbe de pression
(celui de open c.p.n.  ne marchait pas et je ne sait pas pourquoi il y avait une : "erreur de type de  capteur")

il le lancer et l’arrêter avant de lancer  open c.p.n.
il faut insister plusieurs foi pour fermer le programme c'est encore un brouillon mais ca marche bien et c'est rigolo de voir les satelites Very Happy

voila le code il vaut nettement mieux le voir avec un éditeur text pour le python (coloration et formatage python)

edit oups le forum me transforme une ligne de code en smileys  mais c'est pas grave car
c'est une ligne commentarisee donc sans importance pour le fonctionnement du software

edit bis je ne connaissait  ni le python ni le nmea ni la com port gps donc please soyez indulgent  Wink


# ********************************************************************
# gps tracking by alexander voivoditch 14 05 2016
# there is also a time keeper device built with reading gps nmea sentences through usb
#   here are the NMEA sentences  produced by this usb gps/glonas dongle
#  example read fom the dongle : $GPGGA,022824.00,4319.86622,N,00522.97280,E,1,07,1.14,68.8,M,47.7,M,,*65  
#  And here is a translation from an helpfile in open plotter:
#  spliting at the comas $GPGGA,022824.00,     4319.86622,N,            00522.97280,E,             1,          07,
#  translate to $GPGGA ident    02h28m24s.00s, 43deg19min.86622sec,N,   005deg22min.97280sec,E,    1GPS fix,   07 satellites,
#  1.14,                             68.8,M,        47.7,M,                ,*65    
#  1.14 m Dilution of precision ,    68.8,M alt,    47.7, Mgeoide diff,    ,*65 parity check, xor result of all the line terms
# gps dongle txt visible at begin of data sending mostly dongle builder infos
# $GPTXT,01,01,02,u-blox ag -*50
# $GPTXT,01,01,02,HW  UBX-G70xx   00070000 *77
# $GPTXT,01,01,02,ROM CORE 1.00 (59842) Jun 27 2012 17:43:52*59
# $GPTXT,01,01,02,PROTVER 14.00*1E
# standard datas output example all the nmea sentence produced ar present
# GPGGA,022922.00,4319.86431,N,00522.97225,E,1,05,1.48,51.2,M,47.7,M,,*66
# GPGLL,4319.86431,N,00522.97225,E,022922.00,A,A*69
# GPRMC,022923.00,A,4319.86428,N,00522.97229,E,0.039,,030616,,,A*7D
# GPVTG,,T,,M,0.039,N,0.072,K,A*2C
# GPGSA,A,3,07,02,09,23,06, ,3.50,1.48,3.18*08
# GPGLL,4319.86431,N,00522.97225,E,022922.00,A,A*69
# GPGSV,3,3,10,26,06,042,,30,20,186,14*77
# GPGGA Global Positioning System Fix Data, Time, Latitude/Longitude, nbr sat, hz dilution, alt
# gpgll Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude, time
# GPRMC Recommended Minimum Navigation Information, - Latitude/Longitude, time, vel, over ground, date, dd mm yy,
# GPVTG VTG - Track made good, and Ground speed,
# GPGSA GPS DOP and active satellites sat ids
# GPGSV Satellites in view elev azim
# $GPGSV,3,1,10,02,31,089,20,06,16,045,,12,57,053,29,14,38,284,13*77
# $GPGSV,  3,                       1                 ,10                   ,02                      ,31         ,089
# $GPGSV,  3 message in this group ,1 st mess of group ,10,nbr sat in view   02 satellite PRN number, 31 elev deg,089 azim deg

#**************************************** BEGIN MAIN **********************************************************************

import time
import subprocess      # for an eventual auto computer shut down
import turtle          # for postscript file writing (curve saving)
import serial          # for reading port /dev/ttyACM0 on thi pi
import subprocess      # for an eventual auto time
import os              # for giving order as command line such as ***os.system('sudo date --set="%s"' % dateformated)***

 # ************************************************************************************************************************
 # ***********************************  sys time and date init ************************************************************
 # ************************************************************************************************************************

nmeasentance = ""
nmea_id1  = "$GPRMC"  
nmea_id2  = "$GPGGA"
nmea_date = ""
nmea_time = ""

lat = ""
lon = ""
dateorg= []
timeorg= []
timesorted= []
dateformated= ""
timeformated= ""

sat_data = []


letters_nbr=0             # debug  nbr of chars in the nmea sentance
k=0 ;

#*********** setting sys time and date on good track because pi does not have time keeper device *********************
#*******************   THE PAART OF THEINSTRUCTIONS DEALING WITH GPS (at the begining)  ******************************
#*******************  may not work if gps is busy elswhere with opencpn for an example  ******************************

#*********************   serial port readding one sentence  up to stop bit   *****************************************

ser = serial.Serial(
    port='/dev/ttyACM0',                   # port adress
    baudrate = 9600,                       # port transit speed
    parity=serial.PARITY_NONE,             # parity check y/n


#****  when serial readding done, sentence identification and if good ones found then do spliting,and formating  ****
#*************   work on $GPRMC or $GPGGA while anny one or both havent been worked out yet   ***********************
#******************    if both have been worked continue direct to pressure and temp   ******************************

while (mainloopa==0)or(mainloopb==0):                # $GPRMC or $GPGGA while anny one or both havent been worked out yet
                                                     # $GPGGA is used for time 1st loop $GPRMC is used for date 2nd loop
    nmeasentance=ser.readline()                      # reading serial through a call
    nmea_id1 = nmeasentance.split(",")               # nmeasentance is splited on each commas

    neededData1 = (nmea_id1[0])                      # neededData1 this is the *first* nmea word --> source and format
    #print neededData1                               # debug

    if (neededData1 == "$GPGGA")and(timeread==0):    # if $GPGGA and not worked on it before else check 2nd loop
        neededData2 = (nmea_id1[1])                  # this is the *second word* of nmeasentance.split (nmea_id1)

        for k in range (6):
            timeorg.append(nmea_time[k])             # organized list time append the 6 numbers
            #print k                                 # debug

        #timeformated=  adding the : separators between the 2 numbers blocks hh:mm:ss

        #print timeformated                          # debug
        mainloopa=mainloopa+1                        # increment to set this job as done 

    if neededData1 == "$GPRMC":                      # if $GPRMC and not worked on it before else check the while
        #print nmea_id1                              # debug
        neededData1 = (nmea_id1[3], nmea_id1[4], nmea_id1[5], nmea_id1[6], nmea_id1[9]   )
        lat =(nmea_id1[3]+nmea_id1[4])
        lon =(nmea_id1[5]+nmea_id1[6])

        for k in range (6):

        dateformated=((dateorg[4])+(dateorg[5])+(dateorg[2])+(dateorg[3])+(dateorg[0])+(dateorg[1])+" "+(timeformated))
        dateorg= []
        #print timeformated  #ok but format is lost before the print it is in fact : dateformated="060711 05:12:01"
        #print dateformated  #ok but format is lost before the print it is in fact : dateformated="060711 05:12:01"

        timesorted= []


        if (dateread==0)and(timeread==1) :                         
            #os.system('sudo date --set="%s"' % dateformated)       # keep comented for computer with time keeper device such as cmos battery

            dateformated= []                                       # needed
            dateread=dateread+1                                    # needed
            mainloopb=mainloopb+1                                  # needed

#*********** now the time should be set so we can begine the satelites tracking **************************************

#******************                                                            **********************************
#******************    drawing the graph with the little turtle application    **********************************
#******************                                                            **********************************
from turtle import *       # import all from turtle

#******************************************     windows title   ****************************************************

title("gps checking app  by Alexander Voivoditch")    # set window title

#testing the presence of bg file else soft is blocked if bg is absent

    write ("background picture file not found rendering white background")
    print"                                 "
    print"background picture file not found"
    print"                                 "

#****************************    drawing the and graph and sats    *************************************************

tracer(20)                                     # tracer(n,d) truly refresh evry n frame d=delay between fames, can be ignored

sat_count = 0
nbr_undo = 0
while 1:                                       # while 1: always on main loop the reticle should be out but have
                                               # to find a way to refresh sats and trace but not the reticle

#****************************    drawing the graph reticle   *******************************************************

    #print turtle.pos()                    # debug

    turtle.speed(0)                        # the fastest slowest is 1 to fast 10 and fastest 0
    hideturtle()                           # hide the turtle  ht()

    up()                                   # no trace
    goto(-10,0)                            # fix at graph tail (will draw to graph corner)
    down()                                 # trace no center cross
    goto( 10,0)

    up()                                   # no trace
    goto(0,-10)                            # fix at graph tail (will draw to graph corner)
    down()                                 # trace no center cross


    write ("360", font=("Arial", 12, "bold"))  # write cardinal point with ofset to be out of graph

    write ("90", font=("Arial", 12, "bold"))   # write cardinal point with ofset to be out of graph

    write ("180", font=("Arial", 12, "bold"))  # write cardinal point with ofset to be out of graph

    write ("270", font=("Arial", 12, "bold"))  # write cardinal point with ofset to be out of graph

    up()                               # no trace
    width(3)                           # trace width
    goto(0,-270)                       # begin the circle at botom
    setheading(0)                      # important else the circle is drawn from here (0,-270)  but to a wrong direction
    circle (270)

    width(1)                            # trace width

    complete_list = []       # init
    inthdg =0
    intforward =0



#********************    drawing the sats and refreshing the screen   **********************************************


    nmeasentance=ser.readline()           # reading serial through a call
    nmea_id1 = nmeasentance.split(",")    # nmeasentance is splited on each commas
    neededData1 = (nmea_id1[0])           # neededData1 this is the *first* nmea word --> source and format

    if neededData1 == "$GPGSV":           # if $GPGSV (the nmeasentance we are looking for)
        nbr_sat = (nmea_id1[3])           # 4 but 1 ofset due to start at 0
        goto(-260,260)                    # out of circle top left
        write ("nbr sat "+nbr_sat)        # display "nbr sat "+ value
        #print nbr_sat                    # debug
        #nbr_sat = (0)                    # reset to 0 after display   
        goto(0,0)                         # very important else turtle heading and range can start from sat number

        complete_list=nmea_id1            # list format

        #print (complete_list)            # debug very useful
        #print " "
        complete_list.pop()               # get rid of the last one          '28*75\r\n' (parity check line break etc)
        complete_list.pop(0)              # get rid of the first one         sentence id
        complete_list.pop(0)              # get rid of the new first one     mesage number
        complete_list.pop(0)              # get rid of the new first one     mesage rank
        complete_list.pop(0)              # get rid of the new first one     number of sat in view

        lnght=len(complete_list)          # number of ellements in the list
                # print ("lnght")
        # print (lnght)

        # turtle.setundobuffer(300)                 # Set or disable undobuffer integer only

        while k< (lnght-3):
            k=k+3                                   # increment by 3 because need sat id (PRN number),
                                                    # elev (00,90) azimut (000,359)true north
            #print ("k+3")                          # debug
            #print (k)                              # debug

        if  (complete_list[(k-1)]) == '':           # if $GPGSV (the nmeasentance we are looking for)
            else :inthdg=int (complete_list[(k-1)]) # (k-1) because we avoid the unused (SNR in dB)
            disphdg=inthdg+90                       # +90--> 0 apear at E90 on turtle graph coordinates
            setheading(disphdg)                     # set turtle heading
            intforward=int (complete_list[(k-2)])   # (k-2) because before inthdg
            dispforward=int (90-intforward)         # 90 is zenith (center of circle) 0 is perimeter
            forward(dispforward*3)                  # (90-value) give a crude conversion *3 1/2 dia = 270
                                                    # move turtle ahead along heading

            sat_id=(complete_list[(k-3)])           # (k-3) because before intforward
            write (sat_id)                          # writing sat id need somthing less persistant          
            stamp()                                 # turtle impression to mark sat position
            goto(0,0)                               # back to center for an other sat
            sat_count = sat_count+1
            #print "sat count"
            #print (sat_count)
            #print " "
            #print "nbr sat"
            #print  (nbr_sat)

            if sat_count == int (nbr_sat)+1 :      
                #nbr_undo = sat_count*3
                sat_count = 0
                #print "sat count"

            complete_list.pop(k)                       # pop (erase) the unused list element (SNR in dB)
            complete_list.append(0)                    # 0 to compensate poped items
            #print ("k poped")                         # debug
            #print (k)                                 # debug
            #print (complete_list)                     # debug

            #print (k)                                 # debug
            #print (" ")                               # debug
        k=0                                            # reset to 0
        complete_list=[]                               # reset empty for a new line scan


# $GPGSV,3,1,10,02,31,089,20,06,16,045,,12,57,053,29,14,38,284,13*77
# $GPGSV,  3,                       1,                 ,10                  
# $GPGSV,  3 message in this group ,1 st mess of group ,10,nbr sat in view  
# ,02                ,31          ,089            ,20             ,06             ,16            ,045
#  02 sat PRN number, 31 elev deg, 089 azim deg   ,20 snr db  sat ,06 PRN number  ,16  elev deg  ,045  azim deg

        #lat =(nmea_id1[3]+nmea_id1[4])
        #lon =(nmea_id1[5]+nmea_id1[6])
        #for k in range (6):
        #   dateorg.append(nmea_date[k])
        #   dateformated=((dateorg[4])+(dateorg[5])+(dateorg[6]))
        #dateorg= []
        #print timeformated  #ok but format is lost before the print it is in fact : dateformated="060711 05:12:01"
        #print dateformated  #ok but format is lost before the print it is in fact : dateformated="060711 05:12:01"

#end of indent does not go farther


Publié : jeu. 27 avr. 2017, 4:53 pm
par starfield
voila ce que ça donne


Publié : jeu. 27 avr. 2017, 5:00 pm
par starfield
nbr sat 12 veut dire il y a 12 sat en vue
et les numeros que l'on voit sont leur noms on peut aussi avoir des infos de qualité signal et disponibilité etc.
le point au centre du graphique est le zenith (verticale au dessus observateur) le cercles jaune  représente l'horizon des observations

pour essayer avec ubuntu linux :  ca doit marcher aussi sur windows ou mac mais il faut avoir python installé
ps sur le bateau ou il y a beaucoup de place je lui ai mis un grand écran moniteur hdmi avec une très bonne résolution et le pi s'en sort très bien c'est bluffant Shocked

le fond (nécessaire)           

le fichier bat a adapter a vos ordis        python /votre répertoire depuis la racine/ 

le fichier python come ca il n'y a plus de poissons (smileys) qui se baladent au milieu des commentaires du code


Publié : jeu. 27 avr. 2017, 5:40 pm
par starfield
une adresse intéressante 

j'ai pris chez eux 2 gps glonass et  1 rtl sdr comm, attention pour le rtl l’antenne est très fragile mais ok pour monter un adaptateur

 les gps USB GPS/GLONASS receiver   sont très bien mais en rupture en ce moment il y en a d'autres qui ont l'air très bien aussi
ai aussi pris 6 capteurs pression en chine 1 e pièce toujours très bien aussi mais me rappelle plus ou Embarassed

ils font aussi un kit complet…
